So ya'll what the hell is going on with Fantasia?! First the news broke about her shacking up with some married man who worked in T-Mobile. *record scratch* You are a "successful" (I use that word lightly) recording artist and you fucking around with a Sales Rep from gotdamn T-Mobile?! You couldn’t get an AT&T or Verizon least they get better phones...but I digress, lol. Now let Tasia tell it – she didn’t know that Antwaun Cook (the T-Mobile Rep) was still married. Well no...she knew he was married, but "he wasn't happy in the marriage." Eh, whatever. So they dated and young, dumb, full of cum Tasia got this fool name tattooed on her. SMH!
Fast forward – Tasia and ol dude broke up. Then they got back together after Fanny brought him a motorcycle. Then apparently they broke up again, but get this, now the dude’s wife, Paula Cook, is officially divorcing him AND is alleging that Tasia & Antwaun got sex tapes. **OOH NOOO SHE DIDN'T!** On top of trying to promote her album she gotta deal with all the stress of this situation – which leads me to the events of August 9th.
On Monday, Tasia's manager found her in her closet passed out...and she was immediately taken to the hospital. She suffered from a drug overdose...but don’t cry her a river..this bit overdosed on aspirin and sleep aids!! ASPIRIN AND SLEEPING PILLS! Good grief. As if this story couldn't get any more sad/comical.
Seriously, I do hope that she gets help...she has a child to raise. And little Zion does not need to see her mother getting caught up in a bunch of bullshit (i.e. dating married men, sex tapes, and Acetaminophen overdose).
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*case closed* LOL ~ Nicky