A Personal Reflection
I haven't posted anything lately, but today's post is going to be really short and straight to the point. During this Lent season I identified some of my own weaknesses that I want to face and today I read something that really jolted me so to speak and I wanted to share it with you all.
Our number one purpose in life should be to please God; everything else is secondary. One way we can please God is by using all of the abilities that he has equipped us with. God is not only pleased when do things like read the bible, go to church, or tithe - but he also gets pleasure from every other detail of our lives (except sin of course). Isaiah 45:9 (CEV) says - Israel, you have no right to argue with your Creator. You are merely a clay pot shaped by a potter.The clay doesn't ask,"Why did you make me this way? Where are the handles?" You will never bring pleasure God pretending to be who you are not or by hiding your true abilities. When we reject any part of ourselves, we are saying that we do not trust God or accept his wisdom. How many of you have been asked: "if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?" ... I know I have, plenty of times. While the question may seem innocent, we challenge the authority and sovereignty of God when say things like "I wish I could be more like xyz" or something of that nature. So friends, let's accept ourselves and each other for who we are and start living for the pleasure of God.
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